7 Superfoods that are Suitable and Safe for People with Diabetes

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LifeSurance.info – Diabetics can not eat carelessly to meet their daily nutritional needs. If not calculated properly, diabetics will experience a rapid rise in blood sugar. This can result in decreased vision so the wound does not dry easily. Therefore, know what are the superfoods for diabetics.

Superfood for healthy diabetics

There are many delicious foods, even classified as superfood still can be consumed by diabetics. Here are superfood choices for diabetics who are healthy, safe, and delicious:

  1. Avocado
  2. Pumpkin seeds
  3. Cinnamon
  4. Chia seed
  5. Strawberry
  6. Spinach
  7. Ginger

Tips for healthy living despite having diabetes

In addition to consuming some of the superfoods for diabetics above, to be able to live healthy with the condition of diabetes, you can do the following things routinely.

  • Eating smaller portions of food even though many times. If you usually eat one plate of food, less than half then continue a few hours later. This method is done to avoid an increase in blood sugar quickly.
  • Always maintain body sanitation and do not allow infections in the body. If there is an infection it will be very difficult to cure. Moreover, blood sugar in the body is very difficult to control.
  • Always check blood sugar levels regularly. This needs to be done to avoid the occurrence of undesirable things such as a rapid increase or a fairly drastic decline.
  • Always cook anything you will eat. By doing this you can be free from hidden ingredients that can be high in sugar or carbohydrates and fat.
  • Always be careful when doing activities and try not to get injured. If you experience a wound in the body, healing will take a long time, it can even lead to organ damage and amputation is required.
  • Try to keep exercising regularly every day. By doing sports, you can easily control blood sugar and keep your body fit.
  • Know what foods can and should not be eaten.

That’s him a brief review of superfood for diabetics. By consuming some of the foods above, the possibility of an increase in blood sugar and other problems can be better avoided.