19 Protein Sources for Vegetarians

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LifeSurance.info – There are a number of sources of protein for vegetarians. Yes, not eating meat does not mean a vegetarian does not need protein. After all, protein is needed by the body to keep functioning properly. So, what are the sources of protein other than animal meat that can be consumed by vegetarians?

Protein and its Benefits

Protein is one of the many essential nutrients for the continuation of bodily functions.

Source of Protein for Vegetarians

You who adopt a vegetarian diet can consume the following types of vegetarian protein sources. What are those?

1. Tempe
2. Edamame beans
3. Soybean Milk
4. Mung Beans
5. Peanuts
6. Peanut Butter
7. Beans
8. Seitan
9. Potatoes
10. Chia Seeds
11. Flax Seed
12. Wheat
13. Oatmeal
14. Ezekiel’s Bread
15. Spirulina
16. Quinoa
17. Broccoli
18. Spinach
19. Fruits

Incomplete Vegetarian Protein Sources?

The food above is a source of vegetable protein which is mostly classified as incomplete protein. Because the protein contained in these foods does not contain nine essential amino acids as animal protein. Nevertheless, you don’t need to worry. By consuming more than one source of protein above in 1 day, this can actually supplement the amino acid intake.

That’s his information about food sources of protein for vegetarians. In addition to the foods above, of course, there are many other protein foods that can be consumed daily for those of you who adopt a vegetarian diet. You can consult a nutrition specialist about the best diet according to your conditions and needs.