20 Ways to Overcome Insomnia Quickly and Effectively

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LifeSurance.info – How to overcome insomnia because of many thoughts? Have you ever felt sleepy and want to sleep, but the brain does not want to stop thinking about something. This condition is called insomnia and you must find ways to overcome insomnia if you experience it often. As a result of this insomnia makes someone sleep late at night or morning because the new mind is empty and calm after the body is really physically tired. Well, you can try how to get rid of insomnia that has been explained below.

Effective Ways to Overcome Insomnia
Here are some ways to get rid of insomnia that can be done if you often think of something when you go to bed at night:

1. Make a Comfortable Room to Sleep
2. Limit Activities in Bed
3. Wake up on time
4. Limit Naps
5. Don’t Eat or Drink Right Before Sleeping
6. Reduce Sugar Intake
7. Avoid Caffeine
8. Avoid Alcohol
9. Don’t smoke
10. Exercise regularly
11. Eliminate anxiety before sleeping
12. Reduce Stress
13. Try Cognitive Therapy
14. Wake Up When Difficult to Sleep
15. Yoga
16. Massage
17. Lavender
18. Melatonin
19. Acupuncture
20. Hypnosis

Impact of Sleep Deprivation

Lack of sleep can have a negative impact on various systems in the body, following the adverse effects of sleep deprivation:

  1. Lack of sleep prevents the body from strengthening the immune system and producing more cytokines to fight infection. This condition makes the body need more time to recover from the disease and has an increased risk of chronic disease.
  2. Lack of sleep can also cause an increased risk of new and advanced respiratory diseases.
  3. Lack of sleep can affect weight. Two hormones in the body, such as leptin and ghrelin, can control feelings of hunger and satiety or fullness. The levels of these hormones are affected by sleep. Sleep deprivation also causes insulin release, which increases fat buildup and a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.
  4. Sleep helps the heart vessels to heal and rebuild and influence the processes that maintain blood pressure and sugar levels and control inflammation. so, lack of sleep can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  5. The impact of subsequent sleep deprivation can affect hormone production, including growth hormone and testosterone in men.