Various Benefits and Ways to Meet Calcium Needs for Pregnant Women

Posted on – There are various ways to meet the calcium needs of pregnant women, from adjusting their diet to taking supplements or multivitamins. Calcium needs for pregnant women must be met because calcium plays an important role in pregnancy.

Calcium plays a role in the growth of fetal bones and teeth, as well as helping the fetus’ heart, nerves and muscles develop properly. Meeting calcium needs during pregnancy also reduces the risk of hypertension and preeclampsia.

Consume Foods Rich in Calcium during Pregnancy
The body cannot make calcium so it needs to be obtained through intake, both food and supplements, such as calcium lactate. Pregnant women are advised to get 1000 mg of calcium per day. This amount is equivalent to 3 230 mL glasses of milk.

Here are some foods high in calcium that are good for pregnant women:

  • Milk and processed products, including cheese, yogurt and ice cream
  • Various green vegetables, such as bok choy and broccoli
  • Several types of seafood, for example shrimp
  • Soybean dishes, such as tofu and edamame
  • Nuts, such as almonds, sesame seeds and chickpeas
  • Food products that are fortified with calcium, such as bread, cereal, orange juice, and oatmeal
  • Milk made from nuts, such as almond milk and soy milk
  • Seaweed
  • Fruits, such as guava and oranges

Apart from the variety of offerings above, bottled drinking water is generally also enriched with various minerals, especially calcium. Therefore, pregnant women need to drink lots of mineral water, around 8-10 glasses daily.

Vitamins and Calcium Supplements for Pregnant Women
If there is a calcium deficiency during pregnancy, the calcium needed for the fetus must be taken from the mother’s bones. This will increase the risk of osteoporosis in the future.

For pregnant women who are allergic to milk, lactose intolerant, or adopt a vegan diet, it may be more difficult to meet their calcium needs. Pregnant women can consult a gynecologist to get the vitamins and supplements they need.

Pregnant women are advised to take supplements containing 500 mg of calcium. So, to meet your calcium needs of 1000 mg, supplements can be consumed twice a day. However, the dose must still be adjusted according to the doctor’s recommendations.

Please remember, calcium intake should not be excessive. Pregnant women should not consume more than 2500 mg of calcium per day. Too much calcium intake can cause bloating, constipation, kidney stones, heart palpitations and heart rhythm disturbances, as well as prevent the body from absorbing other important minerals needed during pregnancy, such as zinc and iron.

Calcium is a mineral that is important for pregnancy. To meet their needs, pregnant women can consume various types of food that are rich in calcium or supplements that contain calcium. However, before taking vitamins or calcium supplements, pregnant women must first consult with a doctor so that the dosage is appropriate.