Effective and Safe, These Are 9 Sports to Reduce a Pot Belly

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LifeSurance.info – A pot belly is a condition caused by fat accumulation. Over time, this problem increases the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease.

A pot belly is more likely to be experienced by men over the age of 40, due to decreased testosterone levels. This condition makes fat more easily stored and accumulates in the stomach area.

Well, to overcome this, there are several exercise movements to reduce a pot belly. What are they? Check out the information in the following article!a reduce a pot belly. This activity can be done with burpees, mountain climbers, turkish get-ups, medicine ball burpees, side to side medicine ball slams, and overhead medicine ball slams.

What Movements Can Shrink Your Stomach?
Movements that can be done to eliminate fat that causes a pot belly include:

1. Burpees
Burpees are body exercises that involve squats, push-ups, and jumps in sequence. This exercise is very effective for burning calories and increasing core strength, so it can help shrink your stomach.

By doing burpees regularly, your body will burn more fat, including in the stomach area. This is because this intensive movement activates many muscle groups at once, increases metabolism, and burns calories efficiently.

According to a scientific journal entitled High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise and Fat Loss published by the International Journal of Obesity (2010), high-intensity intermittent exercise such as burpees is useful for burning belly fat.

Massively, this activity can also reduce insulin resistance and produce a number of skeletal muscle adaptations that result in increased skeletal muscle fat oxidation and increased glucose tolerance.

At first glance, burpees are similar to jumping jacks.

2. Sit-ups
Sit-ups are a classic exercise for tightening the abdominal muscles. By lying on your back and lifting your upper body to a sitting position, sit-ups will directly train your upper abdominal muscles.

Although effective for building abdominal muscles, this exercise needs to be combined with cardio training and the right diet, to achieve optimal stomach reduction results.

3. Turkish get-ups
Turkish get-ups are exercises that require you to rise from a lying position to a standing position, while holding weights in your hands. This exercise involves the entire body, including the core muscles, back, and legs.

In addition to improving balance and stability, Turkish get-ups are excellent for building upper body and core strength, which can help reduce stomach size effectively.

In addition to exercise, you can also apply certain diet patterns, such as intermittent fasting.

4. Medicine ball burpees
Medicine ball burpees are a variation of burpees that use a ball. When doing it, you can put the ball on the floor, then do a push-up movement with your hands on the ball.

This additional movement challenges the core muscles harder, increases body stability, and helps speed up calorie burning.

In addition to burning belly fat, this exercise also improves muscle strength and overall fitness.

How to Reduce a Pot Belly in Women
Especially for women, the following types of exercise can help reduce the stomach:

1. Plank
Plank is a simple but very effective core exercise to burn belly fat. This exercise can be a way to reduce a pot belly in women and men.

To do a plank, the body is asked to be in a straight line from head to toe. That way, the abdominal muscles and lower back will be trained to maintain body stability.

This exercise increases core muscle strength, helps improve posture, and accelerates calorie burning, which contributes to stomach shrinkage.

2. Bicycle crunch
Bicycle crunch is a variation of the sit-up exercise that is more dynamic and involves the upper, lower, and side abdominal muscles.

You can lift both legs and alternately touch the elbows, with the opposite knee, resembling the movement of pedaling a bicycle.

This exercise is very effective as a way to reduce a pot belly in women. Each movement will shape the abdominal muscles and reduce fat in the abdominal area, because it involves many core muscles at once.

Have you heard about physical fitness and its health benefits?

3. Mountain climber
Mountain climber is a cardio exercise that involves movements like climbing a mountain. The way you have to move quickly from the plank position by pulling your knees towards your chest alternately.

This movement is very effective in engaging the core muscles, legs, and arms, while increasing your heart rate. The movement combines strength and cardio, so it can help burn belly fat and accelerate overall weight loss.

4. Skipping
Skipping or jumping rope is an effective cardio exercise to burn calories and improve fitness. This sport is recommended as one way to reduce a bloated stomach in women.

This sport not only involves the legs, but also the core muscles, which work to maintain body balance when jumping.

Skipping can help accelerate the reduction of body fat, including in the stomach area, because it can increase metabolism, so that the body’s calorie burning can be more optimal.

5. Squat
Squats can also be a way to reduce a bloated stomach in women. This body exercise involves the leg muscles, hips, and core of the body.

Although the main focus of squats is on the leg muscles, this movement also involves the abdominal muscles to maintain balance and stability.

Doing squats with high intensity can help increase overall calorie burning, as well as reduce the stomach by increasing core muscle strength.

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Tips for Effective Exercise to Reduce Stomach Fat

1. Maintain good posture when exercising, so that the abdominal muscles can be more involved.
2. Exercise consistently at least 3-4 times a week to get optimal results in reducing stomach fat.
3. Pay attention to a healthy diet by reducing consumption of fatty foods, excess sugar, and increasing fiber intake to support stomach fat reduction.

How to Reduce a Pot Belly in 1 Week?
Reducing your belly in 1 week is possible, as long as you are disciplined and apply a healthy lifestyle. This is not only from the specific types of exercises mentioned above.

But also diet, meal times and other things. Check out the information below!

1. Control your food intake
Focus on a balanced and low-calorie diet. Reduce consumption of foods high in fat, sugar, and processed carbohydrates.

It is better to choose foods that are rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Eat small portions but often, this can help reduce hunger and increase metabolism.

2. Avoid eating after 8 pm
Eating at night, especially heavy and high-calorie foods, tends not to be used efficiently by the body because of the low level of physical activity at night.

Consuming excess calories at night can cause unwanted weight gain. If you feel hungry, you can snack on melon.

3. Do cardio
Cardiovascular activities such as running, cycling, or swimming can help burn belly fat. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes every day of the week.

If possible, also add interval training with gradually increasing intensity to speed up fat burning.

4. Combine with strength training
Strength training such as sit-ups, planks, or crunches can help strengthen your abdominal muscles and make them look tighter.

These exercises can also help burn fat more effectively. Take time several times a week to involve your abdominal muscles in your strength training routine.

Always remember, significant results in reducing belly fat cannot be achieved in one week.

It is important to maintain a long-term healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and reducing stress, in order to achieve a flatter stomach and optimal health. So, be patient and keep trying!

Muay Thai is another recommended exercise for reducing belly fat and losing weight.