Crystal Guava for Pregnant Women, Know the Nutrition, Benefits and How to Safely Consume It

Posted on – Crystal guava for pregnant women has many benefits. This type of guava contains abundant nutrients that are good for the health of the mother as well as the baby-to-be. Regularly consuming crystal guava while pregnant is known to be able to prevent and overcome constipation, and can even strengthen the immune system of the body and fetus, you know.

Crystal guava is one of the fruits that is good to consume during pregnancy. In addition to being delicious, this fruit also stores a variety of nutrients that are good for the health of pregnant women and fetuses, such as carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, protein, folate, and choline. In addition, crystal guava is also rich in vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and vitamin E.

Thanks to its abundant nutrition, crystal guava for pregnant women can provide many extraordinary health benefits for the mother and the baby-to-be.

List of Benefits of Crystal Guava for Pregnant Women
Crystal guava for pregnant women can be consumed directly or processed first into rujak, pickles, or juice. In addition to being delicious, this fruit can also provide many of the following health benefits:

1. Prevent and overcome constipation
The fiber content in crystal guava fruit can not only make Bumil’s stomach full, but also good for the digestive tract, you know. Adequate fiber intake during pregnancy is very important to facilitate digestion, so that it can prevent and overcome constipation that is often experienced by pregnant women.

2. Increases immunity
Crystal guava for pregnant women can also make the immune system stronger. You see, this fruit contains abundant vitamin C. Vitamin C is known to be good for immunity. With strong immunity, the Pregnant Person’s body will be stronger against germs that enter the body so that the Pregnant Woman does not get sick easily.

Not only that, healthy body immunity during pregnancy also plays an important role in shaping the fetal immune system to be stronger.

3. Reduce complaints of leg cramps
Do pregnant women have complaints of leg cramps? If so, try to regularly massage your feet or stretch so that the muscles in your legs are more flexible and not stiff. In addition, make sure that Bumil consumes foods high in minerals, such as crystal guava fruit.

Meeting the mineral needs of potassium and magnesium during pregnancy can make blood circulation smoother and help muscles relax more, so that complaints of leg cramps will be reduced, Bumil.

4. Controls weight gain
Even though it contains carbohydrates and fiber, crystal guava is a low-calorie fruit, you know. Eating a few pieces of this fruit can make your stomach full for longer so that it can suppress your desire to snack on unhealthy foods, such as fried foods, chips, or sweet foods.

With a more controlled appetite, the weight gain during pregnancy will not jump drastically so that it can prevent obesity during pregnancy.

5. Prevent anemia
Anemia is a condition in which the body lacks red blood cells that are responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body. In order for red blood cell production to increase, the body needs enough folate, vitamin B12, and iron.

To meet these nutrients, Bumil can take prenatal vitamins regularly and consume crystal guava fruit. Although it does not contain vitamin B12, this fruit contains folate and iron which can help prevent anemia.

Not only that, crystal guava is also rich in vitamin C which is good to help iron absorption, Mom.

6. Overcoming morning sickness
The vitamin B6 content in crystal guava fruit has benefits for overcoming morning sickness complaints during pregnancy, you know, Bumil. In addition, this fruit is also quite filling so that it can clog the stomach of the pregnant woman when her appetite is decreasing due to nausea and vomiting.

7. Controls blood pressure
Blood pressure that is too high during pregnancy can have an impact on the health of the mother and fetus. Well, one of the risks that can occur due to high and uncontrolled blood pressure is preeclampsia.

Therefore, pregnant women need to control their blood pressure to remain normal during pregnancy. One way is to limit salt and increase the consumption of nutritious foods, such as crystal guava, green leafy vegetables, eggs, tomatoes, fish, and nuts.

8. Strengthens the bones of the mother and fetus
Crystal guava is equipped with a number of minerals that are beneficial for strengthening bones, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. With strong bones, Bumil can do many activities even though she is two-body. In addition, the calcium content in crystal guava is also good for strengthening fetal bones, Mom.

9. Makes skin healthier
Crystal guava fruit contains vitamin C which plays an important role in the formation of collagen to make the skin more supple. In addition, the antioxidants in this fruit are able to prevent signs of premature aging on the skin so that the skin of the pregnant woman will look healthier.

In addition to being beneficial for pregnant women, the abundant nutrients in crystal guava are also good for the immunity of the baby-to-be, support their growth and development, and strengthen their bones.

To get all the nutrients and benefits of crystal guava for pregnant women, wash this fruit thoroughly before consuming it. This aims to avoid bacterial contamination that may stick to the fruit. If you are in doubt whether the crystal guava skin is free from pesticides or not, you can peel off the skin, yes.

Even though it is nutritious and beneficial for the health of the fetus, make sure that you regularly consume other nutritious foods as well, such as various fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, and seeds. Most importantly, don’t forget to do regular pregnancy checkups every month.