9 Benefits of Roses, From Relieving Menstrual Pain to Relieving Irritation

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LifeSurance.info – The benefits of roses are not just to beautify gardens and rooms, you know. This flower, which is known as a symbol of love and affection, also has properties for health, for example strengthening the immune system. Roses are also known to be good for skin health and can make the skin look youthful.

Behind its distinctive scent, there are many benefits of roses for health. Interestingly, rose petals have long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various health problems, such as indigestion and menstrual pain.

Actually, the benefits of roses for treatment are not just beliefs, you know. Research shows that these flower petals contain a variety of nutrients that are good for body health, ranging from vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, calcium, to antioxidants. Roses are also known to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Various Benefits of Roses for Health
Thanks to the nutritional content in it, you can enjoy several benefits of roses for the body, including:

1. Strengthens the immune system
The benefits of roses in strengthening immunity are presented by the vitamin C content in them. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is able to increase the immune system so that you don’t get sick easily and heal faster if you get sick.

2. Improve mood
The antioxidants in roses can also improve mood. So, if you’re stressed, try sipping a cup of warm rose tea. Consumption of rose tea can have a calming effect while helping your body relax more. The fragrant scent of roses is also known to improve mood thanks to the effects of aromatherapy.

3. Eliminates body odor
Roses have been used as one of the natural ingredients for body care since thousands of years ago. Well, one of the benefits of this rose is to get rid of bad body odor.

Rose flower extract in powder or essential oil form is known to have an antibacterial effect so that it can eradicate germs in the armpits that cause body odor. In addition, the distinctive scent of roses can also help disguise body odor, you know.

4. Relieves nausea
Because of its distinctive fragrance, roses can be used as aromatherapy to relieve nausea, especially nausea that arises due to unpleasant odors. In addition, the aromatherapy effects of roses can also be used to help relieve nausea in pregnant women due to morning sickness.

5. Relieves menstrual pain
Roses can also overcome problems that women commonly face every month, namely menstrual pain. The benefits of roses in helping relieve menstrual pain are thanks to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant content in them.

Not only can it overcome pain, roses consumed as herbal tea can also relieve other menstrual symptoms, such as abdominal cramps and flatulence.

6. Maintain gastrointestinal health
Did you know? Rose flowers have a natural laxative effect so that they can prevent and overcome constipation. In addition, the consumption of rose tea can also increase bile production in the liver, so that the body can more easily digest food and increase the absorption of nutrients.

7. Reduces the risk of chronic diseases
The benefits of roses that are no less amazing are that they are able to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. The flower comes in several colors, such as red, white, and orange, it is rich in polyphenols that are able to prevent damage to body cells.

Roses also contain phytonutrients that can stop the development of cancer cells.

8. Relieves skin irritation
Rose flowers have anti-inflammatory properties so they are able to relieve irritation and soothe the skin. Roses that have been processed into rose water can even help relieve skin irritation due to eczema or inflamed acne.

In addition to soothing the skin, rose water also helps heal wounds and burns, thanks to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. So, if your skin is injured, you can apply or spray rose water on the wound area that has been cleaned beforehand.

9. Makes the skin look youthful
To maintain youthful-looking and wrinkle-free skin, you can try using care products that contain roses. Roses contain vitamin C and a variety of antioxidants that are able to repair skin damage and promote collagen production.

Abundant collagen makes the skin always tight and wrinkles in the skin are slowly reduced.

How to Enjoy the Benefits of Roses
There are several ways to enjoy the benefits of roses. Usually, roses are brewed into tea or processed into rose water for the skin.

How to make rose tea is pretty easy, really. You can use fresh or dried flower petals. If using fresh petals, wash 2 cups of fresh rose petals, then boil them with 3 cups of water for 5 minutes. Make sure the rose petals used are pesticide-free, yes.

However, if you want to make rose tea from dried petals, just add 1 tablespoon of dried rose petals and brew with boiling water for 10–20 minutes. This rose tea can be enjoyed immediately or added with natural sweeteners, such as honey, if the taste is too bitter.

Well, especially rose water, you can make it yourself or buy it at the market. If you want to make your own, boil 3 cups of rose water in 500 ml of water over low heat until it boils. Once the color of the rose petals has faded, turn off the heat and refrigerate.

This rose water is usually used as a facial cleanser or toner. You can also use rose water to treat wounds or burns

In addition to tea and rose water, roses can also be processed into various foods or drinks, ranging from pudding, infused water, to ice cream.

So, interested in trying to use roses to take care of your body’s health? If you have a reaction after using roses, for example skin rashes, chat with your doctor to get treatment.