7 Effective Ways to Remove Mustache in Women

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LifeSurance.info – How to remove a mustache in women can be done independently at home or with certain treatments at a beauty clinic. Although it is not a worrying condition, mustache growth in women can cause self-doubt.

The growth of mustaches or thick hair in certain parts of the body in women is also called hirsutism. Not only between the lips and nose, hair can also grow on the neck, chest, abdomen, back, thighs, or buttocks.

This condition can be caused by many factors, ranging from heredity to the side effects of certain medications that cause increased levels of the hormone androgen or testosterone in the body. In addition, it is not uncommon for women who experience hirsutism to experience other symptoms, such as acne, irregular menstruation, and weight gain.

If you feel uncomfortable with hair growth above the lips, there are several ways to remove mustache in women that can be done.

Various Ways to Get Rid of Mustache in Women
The following are some ways to remove mustache in women that you can try:

1. Shave
Shaving the mustache is the simplest, fastest, and easiest way to get rid of mustache in women. Shaving the mustache can be done with disposable razors to electric razors.

However, these actions are temporary or do not last long. Usually, a shaved mustache will grow back a few days later. In addition, shaving also risks injuring the skin. Therefore, it is recommended that you use a shaving cream before and after shaving it.

2. Waxing
How to get rid of mustache in women that can also be done is waxing. Waxing is the act of removing hair or fine hair on the body by pulling it out all the way to the roots. This method uses special wax and strip cloth or paper, so that the feathers are easier to pull off.

You can do waxing at home or in a beauty salon with the help of a therapist. This method is quite effective and more durable than shaving. Even so, waxing can cause some side effects, such as irritation, allergies, and hair growing inwards.

3. Threading
Threading is one of the methods that is often used to trim eyebrows. In addition, threading is also able to remove unwanted hair in women, including mustaches.

This method is usually done by therapists at beauty clinics by using threads to pull and twist the hair that you want to trim until it is pulled out of the roots.

Although it can be painful and uncomfortable, threading is relatively safe to do and does not cause a reaction on the skin because it does not use chemicals. To reduce pain, ask your therapist to apply a numbing cream or apply a cold compress after threading.

4. Laser therapy
Another way to get rid of mustaches in women is laser therapy. This method is done by targeting the laser beam to penetrate the skin to damage the hair follicles and prevent hair growth back.

For maximum results, you can undergo this treatment at a beauty clinic in several times. Although it is quite effective, this treatment can cause side effects, in the form of skin becoming red, swollen, and even changing color to darker or lighter.

5. Intense pulsed light (IPL)
Intense pulsed light (IPL) or also known as photo facials is a way to remove mustaches in women that can be done at beauty clinics. This method uses rays of a certain power to generate heat in the body, including skin tissue.

Heat will make hair fall out and stunt its growth. This method is similar to lasers, but the light used for IPL tends to be more diffused. Although it is safe and quite effective for hair removal, IPL is not recommended for pregnant women or people who have darker skin.

6. Electrolysis
Electrolysis is a permanent hair removal procedure, including a mustache, that uses small needles and a mild electric shock. The tiny needles will emit an electric current and insert it into each hair follicle to damage the hair roots.

Before performing this procedure, the therapist will apply an anesthetic cream to reduce the pain. Although it rarely causes side effects, this procedure can often cause tingling or darker skin color.

7. Administration of certain medications
In addition to beauty procedures, how to remove a mustache in women can also be done using certain medications, such as birth control pills and antiandrogen drugs.

Birth control pills that are usually used contain estrogen and progestin to overcome hirsutism due to excessive production of androgen hormones. This pill is useful for lowering androgen hormone levels and controlling the menstrual cycle.

Meanwhile, antiandrogen drugs, such as flutamide, spironolactone, and finasteride, are effective at stopping or inhibiting the production of androgen hormones.

The use of these medications can provide side effects, such as nausea, swollen breasts, mood swings, dry skin, spotting between menstrual periods, and headaches.

Your doctor may also give you eflornithine cream to slow down the rate of hair growth, rather than to remove existing hair. This cream is usually given while undergoing laser therapy to improve the results.

If thick hair growth is caused by insulin resistance, your doctor will likely prescribe diabetes medication to reduce insulin and androgen levels in your blood.

Mustache growth in women is actually natural. In addition, if this condition is caused by hereditary factors, it may not require any specific medical treatment to treat it.

If you have applied the method of removing mustache in the woman above but the mustache does not go away, or you experience side effects from the procedure performed, do not delay seeking treatment from the doctor. That way, the doctor can give advice and how to remove mustache in women appropriately.