11 Herbs for Cholesterol that Help Maintain Heart Health

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LifeSurance.info – There are many types of herbs for cholesterol and are generally easy to obtain. The ingredients in this herb can reduce cholesterol levels, especially bad cholesterol. However, if you are interested in consuming it, there are several important things you need to pay attention to first.

Blood cholesterol levels need to be controlled to maintain body health. If cholesterol levels in the body are too high, this can risk damaging blood vessels and disrupting blood flow to important organs, such as the heart and brain. This is what makes high cholesterol at risk of causing diseases, such as heart disease and stroke.

However, there is good news, here. Cholesterol levels can be controlled in various natural ways, from having a healthy diet and exercising regularly, to using herbal plants. Herbs for cholesterol can be quite an effective alternative for lowering cholesterol.

Various Herbal Options for Cholesterol
If someone consumes too much-saturated fat, the cholesterol in the blood can increase to more than normal limits. Examples of these foods are sausages, offal, or fast food (junk food). Also, cholesterol levels that are too high can occur due to hereditary factors.

Well, herbs for cholesterol can be a natural choice because they generally contain antioxidants and other substances that can reduce bad cholesterol levels, so they can prevent and help reduce high cholesterol.

Most herbs for cholesterol are easy to get and the price is relatively cheap. So, there’s no harm in trying to consume it to help control cholesterol levels. However, this herb is only an alternative therapy and cannot be used as the main treatment.

So, here are various herbs for cholesterol that you can try and how they work:

1. Ginger
Ginger is a herbal plant that is rich in benefits because it can be processed into herbal medicine, ginger tea or water, and even cooking spices. There is no need to doubt the benefits of this spice. Not only can it warm the body and relieve coughs and nausea, ginger can also reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase levels of good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood, you know.

2. Turmeric
Turmeric is a spice that is often used in Indonesian cooking. Apart from that, turmeric is also often used as a traditional medicine and herbal medicine. Well, it turns out that this spice is also an herb for cholesterol, you know.

The thing is, it contains curcumin which is good for reducing levels of triglycerides and LDL, namely bad cholesterol which can cause plaque or blockages in blood vessels.

3. Garlic
Most of our local dishes usually use garlic as the main spice. Well, in garlic, there is a compound called allicin which can actually reduce bad cholesterol in the blood.

This substance contained in garlic, shallots, and onions can optimize fat metabolism in the body. That way, cholesterol levels in the blood can be reduced. However, the effect of this herbal medicine for cholesterol will be more optimal if it is accompanied by a healthy diet and regular exercise.

4. Galangal
Not only does galangal have a distinctive aroma, it can also be used as a traditional medicine to lower cholesterol. According to several studies, this plant, which is also known as laja or laos, contains many antioxidants, such as flavonoids, and active substances that can reduce cholesterol levels.

5. Curcuma
This spice, which is similar to turmeric, is also useful for lowering cholesterol. Not surprisingly, this is because ginger and turmeric are related and both contain many antioxidants, including curcumin.

Research shows that ginger extract can reduce bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as well as increase good cholesterol levels. Apart from that, ginger can also help reduce inflammation and increase the body’s immunity, you know.

6. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a spice that has many benefits, including lowering cholesterol. Research shows that taking cinnamon supplements can reduce cholesterol levels in people who experience metabolic disorders. Cinnamon can also lower blood sugar levels, you know.

7. Flax seeds
Flax seeds are often used as an additional ingredient in making bread or cakes or processed into oil. These seeds are included as herbs for cholesterol because they contain omega-3 fatty acids which can reduce high cholesterol. Apart from that, these seeds are also high in fiber. Indirectly, fiber intake can reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood, you know.

8. Fenugreek
Fenugreek or fenugreek is a culinary flavoring that is also often used as the main ingredient in making curry. It turns out, this spice is also useful for lowering cholesterol, you know. The ingredients in fenugreek can increase the number of LDL receptors. With more LDL receptors, the lower the cholesterol levels in the blood.

9. Ruku-ruku
Ruku-ruku is a plant from Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, which is often believed to be beneficial for the body. Usually, the leaves of this plant are made into tea. Well, there is research that reveals that this plant contains eugenol oil, which can improve the body’s metabolism, including reducing high cholesterol.

However, this research was conducted on animals so the impact on humans is still unknown.

10. Chrysanthemums
This flower is often consumed as an herbal tea that is widely consumed in East Asia, such as China, Japan, and Korea. This is because chrysanthemum flower tea has a distinctive taste and aroma.

Not only that, chrysanthemum flowers can also provide many health benefits, one of which is reducing cholesterol levels. This is because chrysanthemum flowers contain many substances that are antioxidants, such as flavonoids.

11. Roselle
Roselle flowers are also one of the flowers that are often consumed as herbal tea. Bright red tea has a distinctive taste and aroma. However, despite its slightly sour taste, roselle can provide many benefits, from preventing heart disease to lowering cholesterol levels.

The various herbs for cholesterol above can be consumed as healthy drinks, especially for those who want to prevent high cholesterol. However, its effectiveness and safety as a medicine for cholesterol are still not confirmed, so it requires further research.

What you need to pay attention to before consuming herbs for cholesterol
Many people think that herbal medicines are safer and more effective than medical drugs. However, this assumption is not always true, yes. Even though they come from natural plants, herbal medicines, including herbs for cholesterol, can also cause side effects. Moreover, if this herbal medicine is consumed excessively.

Apart from that, herbs for cholesterol also have the risk of causing side effects if taken together with medical drugs, including drugs to lower cholesterol. This is because some types of herbs can cause drug interaction effects.

Taking herbs for cholesterol also cannot be forced. If you consume one of the herbs above and experience certain side effects, for example, bloating or vomiting, you should avoid consuming that herb.

To avoid the various side effects above, you should first consult a doctor before taking herbs for cholesterol, especially if you previously regularly took certain medications. You can do consultations at any time and from anywhere via the Chat with Doctor feature, you know.